New Hope Baptist Church
508 New Hope Church RD
Foxworth, MS 39483
Phone: 601-736-6511
Senior Pastor
Dr. Jerry N . Watts
At New Hope Baptist Church, we believe that worship is a central part of the life of every believer. In fact, true and authentic worship should permeate every aspect of our lives as Christians. We believe the purpose of corporate worship is:
- To give honor and glory to the Father.
- To exalt and magnify the Son.
- To draw God's people into a deeper fellowship with Him.
- To reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is a place in the Worship Ministry at New Hope for anyone who is willing to serve Jesus Christ. We have an active adult choir who practices every Wednesday after Bible Study and leads in worship on Sunday mornings and for special events and seasonal specials. We also have children and preschool choirs that regularly practice and participate in worship. We utilize a Media Ministry in worship which is responsible for sound, lighting, video equipment, and computers in worship. We also love to incorporate instrumentalists, vocalists, spoken word, sign language and drama into the services.
You do not have to be a trained professional to worship the Lord. What He cares about is our hearts and the spirit with which we praise Him. We are just ordinary people saved by His grace, who love to praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy! While some of this work is behind the scenes, both the obvious and unseen are valuable in the overall worship experience. Take a look around. There is a place for you in the Worship Ministry!
For more information contact newhopefoxworth@bellsouth.net